Sunday, February 8, 2009

All Good Things Come To An End

I have been an official bum for the past six weeks. And I must say that it feels really good waking up in the late mornings and having nothing to stress about for the rest of the day. But of course, all good things have to come to an end and I will be starting work again next Monday. It'll be a fresh change and I hope that I made the right choice.

Here's a brief of what I'd been up to for the past six weeks:-
1) Travelled to Thailand, did loads of Thai massage and took a cooking course in Bangkok.
2) Flew to Chiangmai and rode elephants
3) Visited Taiwan with my 78 year old grandma and made some great friends along the way
4) Did a bit of soul searching and made peace with myself and people from my past
5) Read loads and loads and loads of books (trash included)
6) Watched Red Cliff at off peak hours with Joanne (the thrill of paying student rates! woo hoo!)
7) Visited Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve for the first time and spotted some real life cranes!
8) Finally visited my dentist (very aptly named Dr Saw) and got my mouth guard sorted (oh! the woes of bruxisum)
9) Painted, cleared my room and rid my life of 20 years worth of junk

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